Thursday, May 20, 2010

None dreamt of a coloured president within 50 years of black popular musicians and sportsmen insulted for the colour of their skin

   US Supreme Court Nominee

In every society people are the same ---  Each individual has his or her own ideas and attitudes -- Freedom of Thinking
and Expression is the base of Democracy ---  It's NOT  done to have Democracy and demand Dictatorship ---  Give and Take is Democracy  ---  The credit of Democracy is tolerating Intransigent Idiots !

In a nation that was mainly formed by people who escaped from tyranny of Roman Catholic Church ---  Naturally the nation had an antipathy towards Catholics --- John F.  Kennedy was the first Catholic President ---
No coloured person ever dreamt of having a coloured president within 50 years of black prominent musicians and sportsmen insulted for the colour of their skin ---
Now the composition of the country's Supreme Court is - - -

Finlo Rohrer
BBC News, Washington DC

The nomination of Elena Kagan to replace the retiring John Paul Stevens on the US Supreme Court means,

The court will consist of six Catholics and three Jews - no protestants.

For much of its history, a geographical spread of justices was the top priority.
"As late as the 1960s you had a Catholic seat and a Jewish seat to ensure some kind of representation.

Now we have six Catholics and three Jews," says Prof Joel B Grossman. 

This shows how dramatically situations changes --- It is prudent to use imagination
in a positive way and create an attitude of acceptance for the benefit of our children.

Isn't it our duty to create a better world?

The full report, not interesting except for the point raised, could be read here

Posted via email from What's New in Internet Today !

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